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A member registered Apr 04, 2019

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Shit man that sucks. But unfortunately openai as far as im aware is one of the only ones you could use for something lile this.

Just to make everyone aware, the AI API offered by OpenAI is incredibly affordable! Throughout multiple playthroughs, I've only spent 55 cents (which is charged at the end of the month). OpenAI has a great pay-as-you-go feature that allows you to pay only for the resources you actually use. For I believe something like 5 cents, you can get 1000 tokens, which is equivalent to around 750 words. It's a cost-effective option that can easily cover multiple playthroughs, so there's no need to feel obligated to pay $20 a month. You can simply pay for the amount you actually use. And for anyone worried about over paying they have a hard limiter you can set to stop payments from going over a certain price.

Hey buddy OPENAI that runs CHATGPT uses Pay as you go so you only pay how much you use. and it's extremely cheap I've gone through multiple play throughs and have only used up 55 cents  out of the 2 dollar hard limit I set up. As long as you got like 2-5 bucks you'll be fine.

I can't see for you, you have to see for yourself.

Game thinks a measly fence will stop me from completing the tutorial?! Think again!

(1 edit)

Yes I did unzip it before i ran it.  And no I don't believe I'm using Mac.

Hey i installed the game, and the Application to run it seems to be blank and asking me to look in the app store for something to run it. Am i missing something to run this game?